Help Desk
Need IT help? We’ll provide you with expert support, reducing hassles and keeping your staff focused and productive. Save time and resources by outsourcing your IT needs.
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Windows Desktop Support
Having a recurring issue with your PC ? Is your PC slow ? Let our certified support techs resolve your Windows problems remotely or on-site.
Application Support
Our support technicians can assist you with application errors that are preventing you from getting your goals accomplished
Printer Support
Printer and scanning problems can cause headaches and work stoppages. Let our certified technicians troubleshoot and create a resolution plan to resolve your printer and scanning issues.
Server OS Support
Our certified support engineers can confirm proper setup and configuration of your server environment and provide troubleshooting and problem resolution for your ongoing issues.
Internet Troubleshooting and Support
Tired of your ISP finger pointing or making excuses as to why your Internet is slow or down ? Our networking experts can troubleshoot the problem and work with your ISP to resolve it preventing you from having to play the middleman.
Data Backup Support
Without a comprehensive data backup and recovery plan, you could lose your essential business data – and maybe even your business. We offer backup and recovery services for businesses looking for a way to protect critical information from natural disasters, theft and unauthorized access.
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